The official "Crazy Times" Web Page
This is my site dedicated to out of this world, intense, totally spetacular crazy times. So many people today are just boring as hell. So there is only one purpose to this website, to get people to go off-the-wall crazy.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

One thing you should now about going crazy is that you are going to get hurt. One time I went so crazy I woke up with blood coming out of my ear, bruises all over, and feeling totally sweet. This is a good sign that you were successful at going totally crazy. Now that you are going totally crazy (or passed out) it is time for some good old crazy people stories. This is totally sweet and you should be going even crazier now that I have told you this.
Story 1
Story 2
Soon to come - - Mr. Phenaby's corner!!!! Along with more great stories and crazy times!!!
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